DEL Expert Partner – Study on Digitalization of MSEs in the Czech Republic

Aspen Institute Central Europe, in collaboration with the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth and CARE Czech Republic, continues the Strive Czechia program for the second year, focusing on the digitalization of small and micro-enterprises (MSEs) in the Czech Republic.

Data Ethics Lab is a key expert partner in this project. Together, we focus on a detailed analysis of digitalization in selected regions and identify key regional actors such as local governments, Chambers of Commerce, universities, and innovation centers.

The project’s goal is to map the current level of digitalization of small and micro-enterprises, determine the utilization and impact of available incentives, and develop a comprehensive study with specific recommendations for improving digitalization support, access to information, and the implementation of modern technologies. The findings will be presented at the Aspen Annual Conference 2024 to representatives of top state institutions.

The project aims to contribute to the overall digital transformation of the Czech Republic, strengthen the competitiveness of small and micro-enterprises, and support their growth in the digital age.

More information about the program: Strive Czechia