Workshop (2024): Prompt Engineering GenAI
Prompt Engineering
Event data:
Date: on Wednesday 10th April 2024, 14-17h, free entry, Innovation week at VŠE
Place: VŠE Praha NB B, W. Churchilla Sq. 1938/4, Praha 3, Žižkov
Registration: MS form here
Format: Only off-line + partially in english with respect to one of the speakers
Event Description:
Through live demonstrations of multiple Prompt Engineers with different online experiences (University, PwC, Startup) demonstrate to participants in an iterative and incremental way what can be gained by working with LLM. To inspire imagination, skills and stimulate discussion among participants about the best practices in the area of Generative AI & Prompt engineering.
You will get an interactive and iterative explanation according to the procedure: From LLM basic questioning to solving real and advanced business problems
Structure of live workshop:
- Intro to LLMs and their limits & hyperparameters of GPTs, Context vs tokens window, Defining purpose & generated artifacts as text, image, code, video…etc., API & Plugins, Best practices for generation vs Evaluation of Pricing & Size of model & Performance
- Naming typical use cases as Questions answering, Language translation, Sentiment analysis, Summarization, Code generation, Data Analytics, Chatbot response, Classifications, Chaining of models…etc.
- Experiments using different modifiers, styles, perspectives, digital personas and formatting, From zero-shot to few-shot inference, using data as RAG method, Iterations & fine-tuning outputs, How to measure performance of Prompts
14:00 – 14:15 Introduction of „prompt engineers“ (All speakers)
14:15 – 15:00 Principles & methods of LLMs, Richard A. Novak & Michal Caninec
- Explaining best practices, showing edge cases
15:00 – 15:30 Basic GenAI artifacts as text, image, video generation Kamil Matula
- Using ChatGPT, MS Copilot, and MidJourney
15:30 – 16:00 Data analytics using LLM, Egor Suslin
- Using ChatGPT, MS Copilot, Chain of models
16:00 – 16:30 Complex Business problem solving via LLM & wflow, Jiří Korčák
- Using ChatGPT, MS Copilot + Make, Power Automate, Zapier
16:30 – 17:00 Discussion & Networking
Event organized by Prague Data Ethics Lab, FIS/KSA & Partners
Organizers: Dr. Richard A. Novák & Michal Caninec & Ing. Jiří Korčák